?Looking at the real estate market this is just the right time to buy,? says Amul Gabrani, managing director of Tecpro Systems. ?We are getting feelers from the market that this is pretty much the bottom. If we wait, prices might start ...
KRAKATAU INDUSTRIAL ESTATE CILEGON atou disingkat PT.KIEC. PT ntu salah satu anak perusahaan PT. Krakatau Steel, sayang nya gw psg ga sama t4'y ma close friend gw.mereka dah pada PSG duluan Emoticon Holic ,gw psg ma fitri,neli,deasy,ira ...
walah iya yah, udah lama aku make ini, tapi baru ketauan nih ada kayak ginian, pertama bingung nih apaan, tapi akhirnya ngerti juga hehe :P salam bloggerngalam yah. ayuzuricha said... on: 5 March 2009 06:37. wah, ga brani masang ini, ...